
The New Partisans (Les Nouveaux Partisans)

The New Partisans

Hear our voices that rise from the factories
Our proletarian voices that say we’re fed up
Fed up with getting up every day at five o’clock
To take a car, a train, parked like cattle
Fed up with the machine that makes our heads drunk
Fed up with the power-tripping boss, with the time clock that kills us
Fed up with the slave’s life, the life of misery
Hear our voices, they’re announcing war
We are the new partisans
The irregulars of the class war
The people’s side is our side
We are the new partisans
Look at the exploited when he returns at night
And look at the women that slave away their whole lives
You who badmouth us, who say that we’re gentrifying
Why don’t you go down the mine at 600 meters to the bottom
It’s not on your carpet that we’re dying of silicosis
You count your profits, we count our mutilated
Look at us get old to the rhythm of the pace
Bosses, look at us, the war is starting
We are the new partisans
The irregulars of the class war
The people’s side is our side
We are the new partisans
And you the slave drivers of the working class
You get rich off our back, it doesn’t bother you
Your permanent minions advise us to play cards
And speak in our stead in the boss’s office
You can vote, you can manipulate, restart the Grenelle agreements
You won’t fool us, that doesn’t work anymore
There are only two sides, you aren’t on ours
To all the collaborators, we’ll make war
We are the new partisans
The irregulars of the class war
The people’s side is our side
We are the new partisans
Take a little stroll around the putrid hostels
Where we sleep in shifts when we’re working shifts
The revolt that rumbles in the black hostel of Ivry
Announces the vengeance of the dead of Aubervilliers
It’s also the revolt in the heart of the slums
Where misery piles up with sickness
But all the immigrant workers are our brothers
In unity with them we declare war on you
We are the new partisans
The irregulars of the class war
The people’s side is our side
We are the new partisans
Violence is everywhere, you’ve taught us that
Bosses that exploit and cops that beat with clubs
But to your oppression we cry resistance
You expel Kader, Mohamed rises up
Cause you can’t expel the people’s revolt
People are preparing to take back the arms
That traitors stole from them in ‘45
Yes, bourgeois, against you, the people want war
We are the new partisans
The irregulars of the class war
The people’s side is our side
We are the new partisans

About – À propos

English: About is a database of links found on the web.
The site brings together various links on several topics, such as confidentiality, anonymity, anarchism, unorthodox Marxism, workers’ councils, digital resistance movements, and more…
The links are added as we go, and are updated regularly.

Français : À propos est une base de données de liens trouvés sur le web.
Le site regroupe différents liens sur plusieurs sujets, comme la confidentialité, l’anonymat, l’anarchisme, le marxisme non orthodoxe, les conseils ouvriers, les mouvements de résistance numérique, et encore d’autres sujets…
Les liens sont ajoutés au fur et à mesure, et sont mis à jour régulièrement.

Hakim Bey – TAZ Zone Autonome Temporaire (Français/French)

La TAZ (Temporary Autonomous Zone), ou Zone Autonome Temporaire, ne se définit pas. Des “Utopies pirates” du XVIIIe au réseau planétaire du XXIe siècle, elle se manifeste à qui sait la voir, “apparaissant-disparaissant” pour mieux échapper aux Arpenteurs de l’Etat. Elle occupe provisoirement un territoire, dans l’espace, le temps ou l’imaginaire, et se dissout dès lors qu’il est répertorié. La TAZ fuit les TAZs affichées, les espaces “concédés” à la liberté : elle prend d’assaut, et retourne à l’invisible. Elle est une “insurrection” hors le Temps et l’Histoire, une tactique de la disparition.
Le terme s’est répandu dans les milieux internationaux de la “cyber-culture”, au point de passer dans le langage courant, avec son lot obligé de méprises et de contresens.
La TAZ ne peut exister qu’en préservant un certain anonymat ; comme son auteur, Hakim Bey, dont les articles “apparaissent” ici et là, libres de droits, sous forme de livre ou sur le Net, mouvants, contradictoires, mais pointant toujours quelques routes pour les caravanes de la pensée.

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